Life is Richer

Some days are filled with smiles and laughter, while others are full of tears. Some days I move five steps ahead, and other days I fall back three. When things are going great, I enjoy it while it's here. If things are going not so well, I'm building more appreciation and joy for when the good times come again. If there never was any down, I could not ever come back up. If I could never, ever lose, I would not want to win. The bright and sunny days would be unbearably oppressive if the rainy days never came. When night seems at its darkest is when the dawn begins. What a blessing it is to be alive, to experience all this and more. No matter what each moment brings, no matter how each day turns out, life is richer for it all.
Labels: Fall
Alaska at it's finest

Ok just a little change from my norm. Thought that I would share with you the view from our back yard. On a normal day you can see the city of Fairbanks clear, But as you can see winter is upon us once again and we are above the clouds. Alaska's Beauty never ceases to amaze me.
when I started this blog it was for me and me alone, When i saw that people got something out of what I was saying I continued.see when I admit to myself that I have a particular weakness, By writing how I feel I've taken an important step in getting beyond it. For once I have seen the weakness clearly, I will come up with many ways to work on it, And this blog was one of those ways.
When I've discovered a weakness, I've identified a pathway to strength. Working to get just a single weakness out of the way can add increased power and effectiveness to everything I do.See Im far from being a perfect man. When in fact Im just the oppisite, I stuggle daily to try to live by the words I say.
For every weakness that I have, there is a strength with which I can replace it. From every weakness, there is something of value to be learned.
Weakness is nothing to be ashamed of so I have bein teaching myself. Rather, it is something to be worked on.
What if the very same factors that now work against me could be changed into forces that propel me forward? By having the courage to face my own weaknesses, I can make that happen.
If I see my weaknesses for what they are. then I'll see that they are filled with opportunity.If only others could see what you were trying to work on it would make more sence to them. Thanks to all who read my blog. hope life is rewarding.
The value in it all

There are many situations in life in which our best choice is to respond with immediate, effective action. Yet in other situations, the best response is just to simply and completely let it go.
When there's something I do that will make a positive difference, then by all means I'll do it. When my actions will do nothing other than
enter an impassable point; a blind alley, I need to learn to let it go and let it be.
There are things I can change. And there are things I cannot change.
I'll embrace what I can change with positive, persistent effort. Embrace what I cannot change with peaceful, enlightened acceptance.
I'll put my energy into pursuits that will bring value I should choose not to waste that energy fighting destructive battles that do nothing more than satisfy my ego.
There is profound beauty both in what I can do and in what I cannot do. I'll learn to see the value in it all.
make a difference
There's one little corner of your life where you can make an improvement today. Take the opportunity to do so.There's one little corner of the world where you can make a difference right now. Go ahead and be the person to make that difference.One little corner may not seem like much. One little corner may not appear to be worth the trouble.Yet when you get things working well in that one little corner, something wonderful happens. You discover how delightful, inspiring, fulfilling and compelling the experience of achievement can be.And then you start looking for other little corners where you can work the same magic. One little corner after another, you begin to have a major positive impact.To achieve great things requires no great effort, just a modest effort repeated again and again. Start right now by improving one little corner, and you're on your way to change the world.
Positive Thinking

I think of all the things I've learned in my life. And I think about how very much more there is that I can now learn based upon what I already know.
If I Consider how my own unique perspective has grown, matured and become more valuable over the years. I can imagine all the possibilities that are even now opening up to me because of how far I've already come.
It's impossible to know exactly what will happen tomorrow, or next month, or five years from now. Yet I most certainly are better prepared than ever to successfully handle whatever surprises life sends my way.
Now, more effectively than ever before, I can transform problems into opportunities. With more purpose and more experience than ever before, I can work to bring richness and value to life.
When I face a challenge that seems impossible to overcome, I'll remember this. The world is filled with things that once were considered impossible and which are now Possible.
When I woke up this morning, I broke through to a new level of performance, of knowledge, of effectiveness. Now, more than ever, I have what it takes to move successfully and meaningfully through each moment of my life.

My responsibilities and obligations are very real and pressing, I know they do not have to burden me. when I am willing to accept responsibility for something, I put myself in control of it.
Though the frustrations may be deep and numerous, they do not have to burden me. For by working my way through those frustrations, I am building valuable achievements.
Although a deep sadness may come down upon me, it does not have to burden me. that sadness is possible only because I care so very much, and because I know without a doubt how beautiful life can be.
Darkness may be all around me, it does not have to burden me. that darkness only makes my own light more brightly visible.
Though the problems and distractions may seem to have no end, they do not have to burden me. For by moving through them I am moving toward my dream.
Though life may be difficult, it does not have to burden me. For I can live moment by moment by moment, joyfully making the most of each and every one.
Sadness in life sometimes intence. I often focus on the painful part, the longing. And yet there is also in sadness a truth of life, of what could have been, of what can still be.
Sadness is possible only because I care. The more I care, the more noticeable the sadness, and yet, the more potential for joy I also have. Though sadness may often feel like emptiness, it isnt.
In every sadness, there is a bit of joy. Something in my sadness lets me know, without the slightest doubt, that things are not as they should be.
Sadness means I sincerely care. I build on that. I strengthen it. I see past the pain of the moment and find a positive outlet for the depth of my feelings. I know that my sadness supports the joy and beauty that life can be. Im experiencing the purity of being fully alive and letting that deep caring launch me forward.

Princess when I think of you and the person you are, I can't help but smile. You possess such an amazing array of traits. Your warmth, your touch, your caring words always comforts me when I'm feeling down. Your charm, your humor and your beautiful laugh... How can I help but love you for that? Your wisdom, intellegence and positive nature... Its traits like these that keep me admiring you. These are the reason I can feel love. When I ponder what your love means to me honey. I realize what a treasure of emotions I am able to hold. I truly could not imagine my life without you in it. Your love has taken my heart and taught it to grow. I am a new person just from loving you. I hope our time together will be filled with much happiness and love. Words cannot describe how much I love and care for you. You are so loveable and so damn sweet! I was glad the day you came into my life. You showed me so much love and tenderness, it was unbelievable. We must hold on to what we have, and nurture it with the utmost care and affection. Let's love each other like there is no tomorrow. And, in case you ever forget, I am loving you more and more each day, and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. And, I hope you know that no matter what happens I will never love anyone the way that I love you.
Love Richard
Last post
Ok when I started this blog it was for me and me alone, When i saw that people got something out of what I was saying I continued.see when I admit to myself that I have a particular weakness, By writing how I feel I've taken an important step in getting beyond it. For once I have seen the weakness clearly, I will come up with many ways to work on it, And this blog was one of those ways.
When I've discovered a weakness, I've identified a pathway to strength. Working to get just a single weakness out of the way can add increased power and effectiveness to everything I do.See Im far from being a perfect man. When in fact Im just the oppisite, I stuggle daily to try to live by the words I say.
For every weakness that I have, there is a strength with which I can replace it. From every weakness, there is something of value to be learned.
Weakness is nothing to be ashamed of so I have bein teaching myself. Rather, it is something to be worked on.
What if the very same factors that now work against me could be changed into forces that propel me forward? By having the courage to face my own weaknesses, I can make that happen.
If I see my weaknesses for what they are. then I'll see that they are filled with opportunity.If only others could see what you were trying to work on it would make more sence to them. Thanks to all who read my blog. hope life is rewarding.

I can achieve wealth, fame and power, but if there is no love in my heart, it all means very little. my life can be filled with excitement and drama, but if it is not a life of integrity then it ends up getting me nowhere.
The passing, apparent things that the world makes out to be so terribly important are not that important after all. The things that truly matter are the things often ignored.
Do those things you worry about, fight about and argue about really mean that much? The things that truly matter are the things you cannot lose. No person or circumstance can take away your love, your faith, your integrity, passion, determination or wisdom. I know it pays me to keep that in mind as I travel through each day.
For when I value and make use of what's truly important, all other things are surely within my reach.
Inside Out

I know my circumstances do not make me. but rather my circumstances reveal me.
The events in my life do not cause me to be one way or another. The events in my life give me the opportunity to express who I am by the way I deal with them. "For example" Like a mirror, the world around me reflects my values, my beliefs and expectations. The things I experience outside myself are shared with the person I am inside.
To bring about a positive change in my world, I must first make that positive change deep within myself. Life flows from the inside toward the outside.(Like a blooming flower)
Any gains I make on the outside that do not have their origin on the inside will be temporary and mostly meaningless. Real, lasting success on the outside comes only after success has first been nurtured within myself.
Take great care with the authentic person you are inside. And that real value will flow outward to every corner of your life.
To change or not to change?

Do you ever wish that you could change the past? If you could change the past, you would be able to correct every mistake, avoid every accident, and never experience the pain of regret.
When in fact, you can very easily change the past. You simply must do it before the past becomes the past.
This moment where you are right now will soon be in the past. So now is your golden opportunity to assure that it will be a past you'll be happy to have.
With care and focus, with love, discipline and positive intention, you can do just that. You can change what will soon be the past into the best that it can be.
Imagine not having to wonder what would have happened if only you had been a little more careful, thoughtful or diligent. Imagine living your life with no regrets and we all have them.
Imagine it, and know that right now is your chance to make it so. Use this moment to give yourself a past that won't need any changes at all.
How good do we really have it ?

Sometimes I wonder if I fully realize how good I have it? do I take all the good and valuable things for granted, focusing only on the troubles and disappointments?
Sure, I have problems, We all do, and of course there are challenges and difficulties. The best way to move forward through these difficulties is by staying connected to the real, enduring goodness in my life.
If I stop for a moment and think of five things in my life for which I can be truly thankful, and then consider what I could do to build and nurture those things, to make them more influential in my thoughts and my actions.
It's easy for the pressing problems of the moment to overwhelm my thinking. So it's up to me to provide a powerful, positive alternative.
When I have something to be thankful for, I have something real and valuable to go on. I have a solid foundation from which to build.
And no matter where I may be or what may have happened, I do indeed have many things for which I can be truly thankful. The more completely I stay connected to them, the more surely life will move in the direction I desire.
Let go

What's done is done. The time and energy you spend complaining about it will get you nothing but a lot of frustration and negativity.
What's happened has happened. Instead of looking back, fretting and arguing about why or how or who is at fault, look forward and consider all the positive possibilities that are available to you.
If you've been wronged, don't seek revenge. Seek success, seek achievement, seek fulfillment, seek to take what has happened and turn it into a positive force in your life.
Spend your time and energy not in looking back, but in looking ahead. For that is where you can make a difference.
Learn from what has happened, allow it to inspire and motivate you in a positive way, and then choose to move forward. See the value in the way things are at this moment, and see how you can make full use of that value.
let go of your attachment to what has already happened. And make room in your life to create the very best that can be. ( And please dont confuse revenge with justice )
what can I do?

There are things I can control and things I cannot control. If I focus too heavily on those things I cannot control, it can lead to an overwhelming amount of frustration and anxiety.
instead I need to focus my thoughts and efforts on those things upon which I can have a positive influence. There are plenty of those things I know, and by giving my energy to them I can quickly and significantly improve the quality of my life.
I will stop worrying so much about what others are doing . Instead, I'll put my time and effort into discovering what I can do right, what I can do well, and in using my unique abilities to create excellence.
Whenever I feel myself getting anxious or frustrated by something that's beyond my control, I'll stop and take a fresh look around. There's something I can do, right then and there, that will make a positive difference in the world.
The more I make use of the positive power that I have, the stronger that power will grow. There is always something I can do, and it always beats complaining or worrying about those things I cannot do.
I need to do what I can, when I can, where I am, with what I have. I'll find that it can make an enormous difference.
Stength from Weakness

When I admit to myself that I have a particular weakness, I've taken an important step in getting beyond it. once I have seen the weakness clearly, I will come up with many ways to work on it.
When I've discovered a weakness, I've identified a pathway to strength. Working to get just a single weakness out of the way can add increased power and effectiveness to everything I do.
I think for every weakness that I have, there is a strength with which I can replace it. From every weakness, there is something of value to be learned.
I know weakness is nothing to be ashamed of. Rather, it is something to be worked on.
what if the very same factors that now work against me could be changed into forces that propel me forward? By having the courage to face my own weaknesses, I can make that happen.
I need to see my weaknesses for what they are. And I'll see that they are filled with opportunity.
Sharing happiness
I Thought these 7 gifts were worth sharing 7 Gifts that Multiply Happiness
by Steve Brunkhorst
Did you know that there are gifts that will multiply your happiness when you give them away? Here are seven of those gifts. Giving these gifts will allow you to share with others your most unique treasure: your authentic self. Each gift will return to you many times.
As you read about each of these gifts, think about ways that you could share that gift with someone today.
1. Share appreciation
Tell someone how much you appreciate the faith they've shown in you. Thank them sincerely for being part of your life. Tell them how much they are needed.
Feeling appreciated is one of the most important needs that people have. When you share with someone your appreciation and gratitude, they will not forget you. Appreciation will return to you many times.
2. Share time
Balance your time expenditures so you can spend time with the people that you love. Support local organizations by sharing your special talents. Volunteer time for projects that benefit others in your community, country, and world.
When we slow down and observe our thoughts closely, we will sometimes uncover gifts and talents we didn't know we had. Sharing time and talents can result in discoveries that bring happiness beyond measure.
3. Share knowledge and ideas
Tell someone about a great book that you read so they can benefit from it too. Teach a new concept or idea that you've learned.
One of the best ways to strengthen new concepts in your mind is to share them with others. The more often you share what you've learned, the stronger that information will become in your memory. Sharing knowledge also provides solutions to problems. The more knowledge we share, the more knowledge we receive in return.
4. Share friendship
Acknowledge someone's strengths. Let them know that you are willing to be there when they need you. Visit someone you haven't seen for a long time. Telephone friends or relatives who live far away. Introduce two friends who don't know each other.
Bringing one individual into another's life can result in tremendous changes for both people, and for you. We succeed with the help of others. People grow by growing together. If you'd like to have many friends, then share friendship with others generously.
5. Share kindness
Perform a random act of kindness for someone: a smile, compliment, or a favor just for fun. These will multiply and spread very rapidly.
There is a powerful quote by Stephen Jay Gould who said, "The center of human nature is rooted in ten thousand ordinary acts of kindness that define our days." Kindness is priceless. The love, kindnesses, and value we have given authentically to others will be our remaining treasures at the end of life.
6. Share experience
Keep written or photo journals of your life: things you've done, places you've traveled, things you've learned. Record successes and failures. Share a happy memory. Also share the difficult times that have helped you become stronger and wiser. When shared, the value of these experiences multiplies.
Our unique experiences and perceptions of life are priceless. Sharing experiences will build one of the strongest bonds with others. Our descendants can learn and benefit from our lifetime experiences for generations to come.
7. Share enthusiasm
If you are excited about a new success, tell someone. If you're ecstatic about a new project, show your glow. Your enthusiasm will inspire others to move forward with actions that bring rewarding achievements.
Enthusiasm keeps us looking forward to the future. It brings many of those exciting days that we can savor with gratitude. That kind of glowing excitement for life is impossible to hide. It is contagious and will quickly spread to others.
Think about this statement by Norman MacEwan: "Happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
Sharing these gifts sends our thoughts on a far-reaching journey where they will touch many lives, and reconnect with our own. Would you like to receive these same life-enhancing gifts again and again? Begin multiplying your happiness by sharing one of these special gifts with someone today!
Making a place

If there are things that are missing in my life,I need to ask myself this question. Have I given those things a place to live?
The person who has many friends is the person who has made a place for friendship in thier life. The person who is amazingly knowledgeable is the person who has made a place for learning in their life.
In order to receive a delivery at my home, I must tell the delivery service where to take it. In the same way, for the best things in life to be mine, I must provide a space within my life where they can arrive.
We need to make a place in our life for love, and love will certainly fill it. We need to make a place within our life for joy, and joy will soon be there.
We need to create the time, the space, the energy, the interest, the passion and the commitment in our life for whatever it is we seek. And the things we seek will begin to inhabit the places we have made for them.
Give the best things in life a place to live within yourself. And you'll soon find those things filling your world.
Explore Your World

Every day seems to be filled more with opportunities for richness. I think to see those opportunities, all you need to do is look around with an open heart and an open mind.
There are places you pass quickly by every day without even noticing.I have always believed you need to take the time to stop and explore some of them, and you'll find them filled with wondrous treasures.
There are people in your life who you see all the time but you've barely even met. Take the time to get to know them, and you'll find yourself with some fascinating friends.
There are things that interest you that you've never fully explored. Take the time, make the effort to discover and fulfill your passions, and life will take on a new level of meaning.
Living richly has very little to do with how much money you have. Living richly has everything to do with how deeply and sincerely you appreciate the precious blessing that is your life.
Rather than letting the little things get you down, allow the real and meaningful things to lift you up. Make the choice, in each moment, in every situation, to live with richness, because you can.

We have all made mistakes. We have all done things that we've been ashamed of. Life is a learning experience, and mistakes are the most effective teachers.
Living successfully is not about avoiding mistakes, it is about learning from them. Making a mistake once is, in the long run, a blessing for what it teaches. Making the same mistake again and again, now that's what I need to avoid.
To not learn from my mistakes is usually worse than to make them in the first place. And the learning starts with accepting responsibility for my errors. Laying the blame on others will serve no useful purpose. We all have someone in our lives good at this.
From the moment you're born, life is a learning and growing experience. Today I am more intelligent than I was yesterday. Today I am more mature than yesterday. Today I am more caring, more loving, more effective than ever before. I have grown and I continue to grow every day. The poor judgment I exercised yesterday is in the past, and I am the wiser for it.
Make it happen

I believe any day can be special, if I make it so. Any job can be rewarding and fulfilling, when I work like it is. Any place can become a great place to be, any situation can be an exciting opportunity, when you make it happen for you.
So, rather than getting held back by what is, I set out to create what can be. What I get is insignificant compared with what I do with it. The weather may be gloomy here in Alaska, Our bank account may be low, yet those things have no power to stop us from fulfilling our destiny.
Too many people complain continuiously about what they've been handed. The best they can hope for is a sympathetic ear. Fortunately, there are others who stay focused not on what they've been given, but rather on how they're going to put it to best use.
The steady and persistent utilization of mediocre resources will ultimately beat the quick and careless waste of impressive wealth. No matter what apparent advantages others may have, I will always remember this. I have "me going for me". Think of how great that could be. Winners win not because they're allowed to, but because they decide to.
Not only words

The words I use make a difference. When I say something often enough to myself or to others, it becomes a part of who I am.
When someone greets me and asks how are you, I normaly respond with cheerful enthusiasm? Or am I in the habit of expressing to others how dreary and uninspired I may feel? It may not seem like much, yet the way I respond when someone casually asks how I am can have an enormous impact on my life. when I say something out loud about the way I feel, about the way my life is going, it suddenly becomes a part of my reality.
I may or may not believe what others say about me. Yet I most certainly do believe, at a very deep level, the things I say about myself.
When someone asks me "how are you", that person is giving me an opportunity to strengthen and bring to the forefront the positive aspects of my life. Even if I'm feeling a little down, just by smiling and saying that things are going great, I begin to make that my reality, Or at least I try to. Alexis had to tell me often that
The way you think and talk about yourself will have an enormous influence on they way your life progresses, and the way other think of you. Take every opportunity to make that influence a positive, enthusiastic and supportive one.
Can you truly say how you feel today.

Enough said.
Adjustment Time?

Your attitude is not something you're stuck with forever. You can change it whenever you wish.
my attitude does not define me. It does, however, represent me to the rest of the world.
my attitude does not determine who I am. It does, however, determine what I can accomplish.
my attitude is not the inevitable result of events that happen to me or circumstances that surround me. It is, instead, based on the way I choose to respond to the events and circumstances in my life.
I can choose an attitude that will open my eyes to the valuable possibilities. I can choose an attitude that will attract success and accomplishment to me like a magnet.
No matter what has happened in the past or where I am now, I am free to choose whatever attitude I wish. So choose, in every moment, a positive, empowering attitude. For that will always serve us best.
Shine through

I need to Remember as I go through the day that I am more than just a number in someone's computer, more than just a dispensable part of the system. I am a living, breathing person, completely unique in all of history.
Richard can think and reason. Richard can make intelligent decisions. Richard can create. Richard can explore. Richard can seek the truth and find joy in the beauty around myself. Richard can give his love and compassion to others. I can change things that anger or frustrate me. I can make a difference in my life and the lives of others.
I am alive with possibilities, no matter what has happened to me in the past, no matter what other people think or say about me, no matter what my situation. There is something I can do today that will continue to fulfill the special, priceless bundle of possibilities that is me.
There is more to Richard than anyone could possibly imagine. I'll Do all I can to let that shine through. .

Confidence comes from keeping my thoughts aligned with my desires. Every moment I am thinking of something. My experience of each day includes thousands of my own thoughts. When those thoughts support and encourage my desires, I'll have the confidence to achieve those desires.
The other side of the coin is doubt. When my thoughts are constantly contradicting and belittling my desires, I'll create doubt. That doubt will lead me away from the achievement of those desires. That doubt will absolutely convince me that it can't be done.
If a thousand people came up to me today and offered me positive, enthusiastic encouragement, just imagine how extremely confident I'd feel. And think how dismayed I'd be if, instead, a thousand people came up to me and expressed serious doubts.
Well, I will receive a thousand opinions today. But they won't come from strangers. Those opinions will come from someone I've believed and trusted all my life -- ME! So I'll keep my confidence high by positively aligning my thoughts in the direction of my most treasured desires.
Today is mine

Today will come and go, no matter what I do.
As long as Im going to go through the day, I'll make it count.I'll Live this day for all it's worth.I will Reach a little higher, do a little more, be a little better, shine a little brighter.
I do have what it takes to make a difference, in my world today. Im going to Seize the chance to do all I can. The things I do today, can have an impact far into the future.
The time will go by, no matter what I do. It is up to me, to make it count. Right in front of me, is a day full of promise, full of hope, full of opportunity. I'll Make that hope my own. and make that opportunity my own. I will Take this day, and live like I mean it.

Every decision I make will have its consequences. Every action I take will result in certain specific consequences.
And that provides me with an enormous, ongoing opportunity. Because it enables me to spend every single moment creating exactly the consequences I desire.
Life is filled with an abundance of very clear causes and effects. By carefully choosing the causes I bring to life, I can determine which of the effects I'll obtain.
First I'll consider the consequences before I act, and choose those actions that will deliver the consequences I wish to have. So if I follow that simple formula with commitment and persistence, and anything I dare to dream will come true.
The things I do right now will set in motion profound consequences that stretch far into the future. For anything you can imagine, there is a way to move toward it in this very moment.
What consequences would you like to see for yourself and your world? Now is when you can make them happen.
Just a note to one's self

If I Imagine, just for a moment, that I am living life exactly the way I want it to be. I've broken free of my most troublesome limitations and Im fulfilling my most treasured dreams.
I greet each day with confidence and an unshakable faith. I take the setbacks in stride because I know I'll find a way to work steadily through them.
When Im faced with a decision, I choose not what will make me look good or what is easiest, but rather what is right and what is best. When working with others I act with respect, honesty and integrity, because I know for a fact that anything less only pulls down everyone concerned.
Imagine that life is the best it can possibly be, and see the reality of such a life. What thoughts would you think, how would you act, what things would you say, how would you feel?
Now stop imagining, and know for certain that all of those thoughts, actions, words and feelings are available to you this very moment. You've just imagined them in full detail so go ahead, take the next step and make them real.
Starting now,I'll act the way I'd act if life was the best it could possibly be, I'll think the way I'd think, feel the way I'd feel. Give life to your dreams and you have already begun to make them real.(Ok now for one more for a person that is in need of this, And does not know it yet.You will find your way.) You entertain lies and deceit, you are held prisoner in a world cut off from reality. The truth you hide from yourself, prevents you from growth and fulfillment. The truth you hide from others, keeps you distantly apart.
The truth shines a bright light on life, so you can clearly see the way to go. Success, achievement, happiness, joy, fellowship, and fulfillment, thrive in the warm and nurturing light of the truth.
Honesty is the most direct path to wherever you want to go. Truth and honesty are often difficult, yet never more difficult, in the end, than deceit. To think otherwise, is to deceive even yourself. Hiding in the shadows of falsehood, makes it impossible to move forward.
That the truth is moral and ethical, is no secret. Yet truth is also practical, efficient, and effective in every worthy pursuit, something well known by those who enjoy lasting success.
Live in the bright, empowering light. Embrace the truth. It always serves you best.
To Make a commitment

Commitment is trust. We must trust and be trusted, or there is no true commitment.
Commitment is action. It goes far beyond words or good intentions. We must act to fulfill our commitments. Commitment is more than a promise. It is a promise fulfilled. Commitment is attention. We must continually attend to our commitments, or they soon lose their value.
Commitment is persistent. It does not wither at the first sign of trouble. In fact, it grows stronger with every challenge, (This I know) Commitment is faith, and commitment is faithful. Commitment is truth. Commitment is caring. Commitment is responsible. Commitment is intentional. Commitment is capable.
Commitment is power. When I am committed, things get done. Relationships blossom. Great achievements happen. Commitment turns intentions into reality.
Commitment is worth it. At times it is painful. It demands effort and sacrifice. It is inconvenient and uncomfortable. Yet I know it will bring out the best in me, and will take me to places where otherwise I would never go. I Considered carefully before committing myself. Then once I've made the commitment,I'll give it everything I have. There is incredible joy to be found in my well placed and tended commitments.

Stop making life so difficult and complicated by being afraid to fully live it. Start spending more time as the person you truly are.
Stop building elaborate scenarios in your mind about what might or might not happen. Start giving your focus and energy to making the most of the moment you're in.
Stop wishing that things had been different. Start seeing the real, positive value and experience you've gained from where you've been.
Stop being so obsessed by the things you don't have and constantly distracted by your desire for more. Start to fully appreciate your blessings and to enjoy the true abundance of always having enough.
Stop worrying and fretting over what others may think. Start confidently offering your own special values, gifts and perspectives to life.
Stop wasting your time wondering about what could have been. And start to discover for yourself the incredible wonders of what can be.
Let your light shine and change your world

Does the world around you seem too hectic and frenzied? Then the best response is to be extra calm, peaceful and patient.
when the world around me seems too greedy and selfish, That's my opportunity to be extra loving, giving and sincerely compassionate.
when the world around me seems too confusing and aimless, Then I'll choose to be extra focused and purposeful.
The world outside reflects back to me the energy I give it. If I don't like what I see, I have every opportunity to change it by changing the way I am.
When Im a beacon in the darkness, my light will shine for a long, long way. When Im the difference that makes the difference, my efforts will bring abundant fruit.
If things around me seem to be at their worst, that's when I can accomplish the most by being my best. Shine your positive light in the face of negativity, and you will change your world.
I Will

There have been situations in my life that I thought I would never get through. And yet, I did.
There have been challenges I have faced that I thought I would never overcome. And yet, I did.
There have been losses I've suffered that I thought I would never be able to get beyond. And yet, I did.
I am here today, stronger, wiser, more experienced and more knowledgeable as a result of it all. Though the road has had its rough spots, I've successfully made my way along it.
There will certainly be more rough spots ahead, and there may even be some particularly difficult ones right now. So it pays, every now and then, to look back and remember that even though I thought I wouldn't get through, I did.
And perhaps, if I think about it, I'll see that there's really never any reason to doubt Myself. when life challenged me to make my way through, I did.
And now, even more importantly, I will.
High expectations ( painting by Arthur Elsey)
I think I'll do my life a big favor and refuse to accept anything less than the best from it. I can Give respect to those around me by relating to them with the highest of expectations.
It is not naive, cruel or arrogant to sincerely expect the best of myself, of every other person and of every situation. In fact, it is highly empowering and enriching for all concerned.
Genuine, deeply-held expectations serve to powerfully guide thoughts and behavior. And by doing so those expectations create results.
I want to Expect the best of myself, and when I start veering off course my high expectations will push me to get back on track.I need to Expect the best of others, and I will instill a sense of confidence that can considerably boost performance.
If you do not truly expect to reach them, your dreams and goals will only tease and taunt you into a sense of bitter frustration. Yet when I give those dreams the power of positive expectation, I have what it takes to make them real.
my expectations can influence every thought, every perception, every action, every interaction, and every situation. So I will make those expectations the very highest and best they can be.
To be or not to be (Useful)

How do wealthy people get that way? By making themselves useful.
How does someone in a leadership position get into that position? By being useful.
How do you take an ordinary day and turn it into a memorable, extraordinary one? By doing something useful and valuable with it.
If Im constantly worried about what yI can get, then I'll never be satisfied. Yet when my focus is on what I can give and on finding new ways to be useful, my life will be richly rewarding.
It is truly a blessing to be useful, and a joy to be effective and productive. Think of the many opportunities available for you to experience that joy in your own unique way.
Look at yourself, look at the world, and look for how you can be useful. Choose to make a difference, and not only will you bring much value to life, you'll feel great about being able to do it.
All about you
Caribou on the Alaskan Range your life is all about you -- not in a selfish way, but rather in an empowering, creative and giving way. The world I see is the world I imagine to see.
The life you experience is the life you expect to experience. So imagine the best, and expect the best.
Desire to fill my own life with true, authentic richness, and you will fill the rest of the world with that richness. You give to life to the degree that you more fully become yourself.
There is no one else just like you. So you have the vital responsibility and the delightful opportunity to let your life unfold in all its fullness and splendor.
Your most treasured desires, when you follow them as far as they will go, are truly valuable things you have to give to life. Connect with those desires and live them out.
Work to fulfill your dreams, and in the process you'll be giving your own special gifts to life. You'll feel the genuine fulfillment of lifting the whole world along with you.
Stand proud this is your life, we only live it once.
I'll take a side of kindness with that order please

I'll Give a little kindness in the world today. Give a little kindness, and I'll see how much it grows. the kindness I give never goes away. The more I give, the more there is.
Even when it seems that the kindness I give is not being appreciated, there is real value in it. Even when it seems that it doesn't mean anything to anyone else, it means something to me.
If I Give a little kindness, it will keep me positively focused. If I Give a little kindness, it will help me to see a new world of rich possibilities.
If I Invest my time and effort in kindness, there is no limit to the good it can bring. For a kindness, once offered, can keep on replicating itself long after I've forgotten about it.
And eventually that kindness, after going and growing through the many lives it touches, will come back to me. I may not even recognize it because of how much bigger and more beautiful it
possitive direction

Think of how great it would be to have someone providing you with a constant supply of encouragement. When I get in the habit of encouraging myself, that is exactly what I can have.
All day long, I am thinking and saying things to myself. I have the power to choose precisely what those thoughts and those words will be.
I need to make them positive, uplifting, and encouraging. Make good use of the thousands of opportunities I get each day to providemyself with support and direction.
When I catch myself mentally beating up on myself, I try to stop such destructive behavior right then and there. Instead, give myself a few words of real, sincere encouragement and notice how much more energized and effective I immediately feel.
In addition, I offer encouragement to others whenever I get the chance. That makes me more likely to send even more encouragement in my own direction.
During each waking moment, I am constantly thinking or talking to myself or others. from this day forward I Choose to use all that dialogue to move myself and my world in a positive direction.

There are no anxieties except the ones I create. And just as i created them, I can let those anxieties go.
What has happened has happened. What will come will come, I can make a difference. I can take positive action.
And my actions will be greatly more effective when they're not burdened with anxiety. my awareness will be remarkably more rich and clear when it is not clouded with worry.
I will Open my eyes to the possibilities of this moment.I'll Put my energy into living the best of those possibilities.
I'll Free my mind, my body and my spirit to be productive, effective, and full of life. Im Letting go of those murky anxieties and fully live.
Making Changes
I'll try to Imagine for a moment how I would live my life today if I had nothing to hold me back. In my mind,I need to drop all the fears, insecurities, regrets, anxieties, limitations, worries and concerns. I need to Think of the things I would be free to accomplish. Think of the real and lasting value I would be able to create. all the positive experiences I could craft for myself and for my loved ones and those around me.I can Imagine all the steps I could take to make my world a more positive, fulfilling place. so I'll stop imagining and start doing. I'll be able to banish the restrictions and limitations from my thoughts, I have greatly reduced their power in my life. The moment I can visualize being free from the things that hold me back, I have indeed begun to set myself free. When I sincerely think I am free to act, to move forward, to accomplish, I am. I need to Travel in my mind to a place where I can live free of past limitations. And know that I am already on my way there.
The only fears I have are the fears I choose.I Choose to learn what those fears have to teach me, and then choose to let them go. The only distractions that knock me off course are the ones to which I give my attention.I try to Choose an interesting diversion to follow every now and then, and let the others flow on past. The only things that can discourage me are the things I choose to see as discouraging.I again try to Keep in mind that there is some positive aspect to every situation, and I can always decide to focus on it. The only problems that can hold me back are the ones that I avoid working my way through.I'll Choose instead to see those problems as the opportunities they are, and then get busy fulfilling their positive promises. The only time that is ever wasted is the time I let myself settle for less than I'm fully capable of living. At any time, in any situation, there is always a way to create real, lasting, positive value. I am at this very moment alive in a vast and beautiful universe filled with every possibility.we should all right now Choose to bring the very best possibilities to life.