
We have all made mistakes. We have all done things that we've been ashamed of. Life is a learning experience, and mistakes are the most effective teachers.
Living successfully is not about avoiding mistakes, it is about learning from them. Making a mistake once is, in the long run, a blessing for what it teaches. Making the same mistake again and again, now that's what I need to avoid.
To not learn from my mistakes is usually worse than to make them in the first place. And the learning starts with accepting responsibility for my errors. Laying the blame on others will serve no useful purpose. We all have someone in our lives good at this.
From the moment you're born, life is a learning and growing experience. Today I am more intelligent than I was yesterday. Today I am more mature than yesterday. Today I am more caring, more loving, more effective than ever before. I have grown and I continue to grow every day. The poor judgment I exercised yesterday is in the past, and I am the wiser for it.