Saturday, July 01, 2006

Making Changes

I'll try to Imagine for a moment how I would live my life today if I had nothing to hold me back. In my mind,I need to drop all the fears, insecurities, regrets, anxieties, limitations, worries and concerns. I need to Think of the things I would be free to accomplish. Think of the real and lasting value I would be able to create. all the positive experiences I could craft for myself and for my loved ones and those around me.I can Imagine all the steps I could take to make my world a more positive, fulfilling place. so I'll stop imagining and start doing. I'll be able to banish the restrictions and limitations from my thoughts, I have greatly reduced their power in my life. The moment I can visualize being free from the things that hold me back, I have indeed begun to set myself free. When I sincerely think I am free to act, to move forward, to accomplish, I am. I need to Travel in my mind to a place where I can live free of past limitations. And know that I am already on my way there.

Thursday, June 29, 2006


The only fears I have are the fears I choose.I Choose to learn what those fears have to teach me, and then choose to let them go. The only distractions that knock me off course are the ones to which I give my attention.I try to Choose an interesting diversion to follow every now and then, and let the others flow on past. The only things that can discourage me are the things I choose to see as discouraging.I again try to Keep in mind that there is some positive aspect to every situation, and I can always decide to focus on it. The only problems that can hold me back are the ones that I avoid working my way through.I'll Choose instead to see those problems as the opportunities they are, and then get busy fulfilling their positive promises. The only time that is ever wasted is the time I let myself settle for less than I'm fully capable of living. At any time, in any situation, there is always a way to create real, lasting, positive value. I am at this very moment alive in a vast and beautiful universe filled with every possibility.we should all right now Choose to bring the very best possibilities to life.