The value in it all

There are many situations in life in which our best choice is to respond with immediate, effective action. Yet in other situations, the best response is just to simply and completely let it go.
When there's something I do that will make a positive difference, then by all means I'll do it. When my actions will do nothing other than enter an impassable point; a blind alley, I need to learn to let it go and let it be.
There are things I can change. And there are things I cannot change.
I'll embrace what I can change with positive, persistent effort. Embrace what I cannot change with peaceful, enlightened acceptance.
I'll put my energy into pursuits that will bring value I should choose not to waste that energy fighting destructive battles that do nothing more than satisfy my ego.
There is profound beauty both in what I can do and in what I cannot do. I'll learn to see the value in it all.