All about you
Caribou on the Alaskan Range your life is all about you -- not in a selfish way, but rather in an empowering, creative and giving way. The world I see is the world I imagine to see.
The life you experience is the life you expect to experience. So imagine the best, and expect the best.
Desire to fill my own life with true, authentic richness, and you will fill the rest of the world with that richness. You give to life to the degree that you more fully become yourself.
There is no one else just like you. So you have the vital responsibility and the delightful opportunity to let your life unfold in all its fullness and splendor.
Your most treasured desires, when you follow them as far as they will go, are truly valuable things you have to give to life. Connect with those desires and live them out.
Work to fulfill your dreams, and in the process you'll be giving your own special gifts to life. You'll feel the genuine fulfillment of lifting the whole world along with you.
Stand proud this is your life, we only live it once.
I'll take a side of kindness with that order please

I'll Give a little kindness in the world today. Give a little kindness, and I'll see how much it grows. the kindness I give never goes away. The more I give, the more there is.
Even when it seems that the kindness I give is not being appreciated, there is real value in it. Even when it seems that it doesn't mean anything to anyone else, it means something to me.
If I Give a little kindness, it will keep me positively focused. If I Give a little kindness, it will help me to see a new world of rich possibilities.
If I Invest my time and effort in kindness, there is no limit to the good it can bring. For a kindness, once offered, can keep on replicating itself long after I've forgotten about it.
And eventually that kindness, after going and growing through the many lives it touches, will come back to me. I may not even recognize it because of how much bigger and more beautiful it
possitive direction

Think of how great it would be to have someone providing you with a constant supply of encouragement. When I get in the habit of encouraging myself, that is exactly what I can have.
All day long, I am thinking and saying things to myself. I have the power to choose precisely what those thoughts and those words will be.
I need to make them positive, uplifting, and encouraging. Make good use of the thousands of opportunities I get each day to providemyself with support and direction.
When I catch myself mentally beating up on myself, I try to stop such destructive behavior right then and there. Instead, give myself a few words of real, sincere encouragement and notice how much more energized and effective I immediately feel.
In addition, I offer encouragement to others whenever I get the chance. That makes me more likely to send even more encouragement in my own direction.
During each waking moment, I am constantly thinking or talking to myself or others. from this day forward I Choose to use all that dialogue to move myself and my world in a positive direction.

There are no anxieties except the ones I create. And just as i created them, I can let those anxieties go.
What has happened has happened. What will come will come, I can make a difference. I can take positive action.
And my actions will be greatly more effective when they're not burdened with anxiety. my awareness will be remarkably more rich and clear when it is not clouded with worry.
I will Open my eyes to the possibilities of this moment.I'll Put my energy into living the best of those possibilities.
I'll Free my mind, my body and my spirit to be productive, effective, and full of life. Im Letting go of those murky anxieties and fully live.