We have all made mistakes. We have all done things that we've been ashamed of. Life is a learning experience, and mistakes are the most effective teachers.
Living successfully is not about avoiding mistakes, it is about learning from them. Making a mistake once is, in the long run, a blessing for what it teaches. Making the same mistake again and again, now that's what I need to avoid.
To not learn from my mistakes is usually worse than to make them in the first place. And the learning starts with accepting responsibility for my errors. Laying the blame on others will serve no useful purpose. We all have someone in our lives good at this.
From the moment you're born, life is a learning and growing experience. Today I am more intelligent than I was yesterday. Today I am more mature than yesterday. Today I am more caring, more loving, more effective than ever before. I have grown and I continue to grow every day. The poor judgment I exercised yesterday is in the past, and I am the wiser for it.
Make it happen
I believe any day can be special, if I make it so. Any job can be rewarding and fulfilling, when I work like it is. Any place can become a great place to be, any situation can be an exciting opportunity, when you make it happen for you.
So, rather than getting held back by what is, I set out to create what can be. What I get is insignificant compared with what I do with it. The weather may be gloomy here in Alaska, Our bank account may be low, yet those things have no power to stop us from fulfilling our destiny.
Too many people complain continuiously about what they've been handed. The best they can hope for is a sympathetic ear. Fortunately, there are others who stay focused not on what they've been given, but rather on how they're going to put it to best use.
The steady and persistent utilization of mediocre resources will ultimately beat the quick and careless waste of impressive wealth. No matter what apparent advantages others may have, I will always remember this. I have "me going for me". Think of how great that could be. Winners win not because they're allowed to, but because they decide to.
Not only words
The words I use make a difference. When I say something often enough to myself or to others, it becomes a part of who I am.
When someone greets me and asks how are you, I normaly respond with cheerful enthusiasm? Or am I in the habit of expressing to others how dreary and uninspired I may feel? It may not seem like much, yet the way I respond when someone casually asks how I am can have an enormous impact on my life. when I say something out loud about the way I feel, about the way my life is going, it suddenly becomes a part of my reality.
I may or may not believe what others say about me. Yet I most certainly do believe, at a very deep level, the things I say about myself.
When someone asks me "how are you", that person is giving me an opportunity to strengthen and bring to the forefront the positive aspects of my life. Even if I'm feeling a little down, just by smiling and saying that things are going great, I begin to make that my reality, Or at least I try to. Alexis had to tell me often that
The way you think and talk about yourself will have an enormous influence on they way your life progresses, and the way other think of you. Take every opportunity to make that influence a positive, enthusiastic and supportive one.
Can you truly say how you feel today.
Enough said.
Adjustment Time?
Your attitude is not something you're stuck with forever. You can change it whenever you wish.
my attitude does not define me. It does, however, represent me to the rest of the world.
my attitude does not determine who I am. It does, however, determine what I can accomplish.
my attitude is not the inevitable result of events that happen to me or circumstances that surround me. It is, instead, based on the way I choose to respond to the events and circumstances in my life.
I can choose an attitude that will open my eyes to the valuable possibilities. I can choose an attitude that will attract success and accomplishment to me like a magnet.
No matter what has happened in the past or where I am now, I am free to choose whatever attitude I wish. So choose, in every moment, a positive, empowering attitude. For that will always serve us best.
Shine through
I need to Remember as I go through the day that I am more than just a number in someone's computer, more than just a dispensable part of the system. I am a living, breathing person, completely unique in all of history.
Richard can think and reason. Richard can make intelligent decisions. Richard can create. Richard can explore. Richard can seek the truth and find joy in the beauty around myself. Richard can give his love and compassion to others. I can change things that anger or frustrate me. I can make a difference in my life and the lives of others.
I am alive with possibilities, no matter what has happened to me in the past, no matter what other people think or say about me, no matter what my situation. There is something I can do today that will continue to fulfill the special, priceless bundle of possibilities that is me.
There is more to Richard than anyone could possibly imagine. I'll Do all I can to let that shine through. .