Shine through

I need to Remember as I go through the day that I am more than just a number in someone's computer, more than just a dispensable part of the system. I am a living, breathing person, completely unique in all of history.
Richard can think and reason. Richard can make intelligent decisions. Richard can create. Richard can explore. Richard can seek the truth and find joy in the beauty around myself. Richard can give his love and compassion to others. I can change things that anger or frustrate me. I can make a difference in my life and the lives of others.
I am alive with possibilities, no matter what has happened to me in the past, no matter what other people think or say about me, no matter what my situation. There is something I can do today that will continue to fulfill the special, priceless bundle of possibilities that is me.
There is more to Richard than anyone could possibly imagine. I'll Do all I can to let that shine through. .