To Make a commitment

Commitment is trust. We must trust and be trusted, or there is no true commitment.
Commitment is action. It goes far beyond words or good intentions. We must act to fulfill our commitments. Commitment is more than a promise. It is a promise fulfilled. Commitment is attention. We must continually attend to our commitments, or they soon lose their value.
Commitment is persistent. It does not wither at the first sign of trouble. In fact, it grows stronger with every challenge, (This I know) Commitment is faith, and commitment is faithful. Commitment is truth. Commitment is caring. Commitment is responsible. Commitment is intentional. Commitment is capable.
Commitment is power. When I am committed, things get done. Relationships blossom. Great achievements happen. Commitment turns intentions into reality.
Commitment is worth it. At times it is painful. It demands effort and sacrifice. It is inconvenient and uncomfortable. Yet I know it will bring out the best in me, and will take me to places where otherwise I would never go. I Considered carefully before committing myself. Then once I've made the commitment,I'll give it everything I have. There is incredible joy to be found in my well placed and tended commitments.