
Confidence comes from keeping my thoughts aligned with my desires. Every moment I am thinking of something. My experience of each day includes thousands of my own thoughts. When those thoughts support and encourage my desires, I'll have the confidence to achieve those desires.
The other side of the coin is doubt. When my thoughts are constantly contradicting and belittling my desires, I'll create doubt. That doubt will lead me away from the achievement of those desires. That doubt will absolutely convince me that it can't be done.
If a thousand people came up to me today and offered me positive, enthusiastic encouragement, just imagine how extremely confident I'd feel. And think how dismayed I'd be if, instead, a thousand people came up to me and expressed serious doubts.
Well, I will receive a thousand opinions today. But they won't come from strangers. Those opinions will come from someone I've believed and trusted all my life -- ME! So I'll keep my confidence high by positively aligning my thoughts in the direction of my most treasured desires.