
Stop making life so difficult and complicated by being afraid to fully live it. Start spending more time as the person you truly are.
Stop building elaborate scenarios in your mind about what might or might not happen. Start giving your focus and energy to making the most of the moment you're in.
Stop wishing that things had been different. Start seeing the real, positive value and experience you've gained from where you've been.
Stop being so obsessed by the things you don't have and constantly distracted by your desire for more. Start to fully appreciate your blessings and to enjoy the true abundance of always having enough.
Stop worrying and fretting over what others may think. Start confidently offering your own special values, gifts and perspectives to life.
Stop wasting your time wondering about what could have been. And start to discover for yourself the incredible wonders of what can be.
Let your light shine and change your world

Does the world around you seem too hectic and frenzied? Then the best response is to be extra calm, peaceful and patient.
when the world around me seems too greedy and selfish, That's my opportunity to be extra loving, giving and sincerely compassionate.
when the world around me seems too confusing and aimless, Then I'll choose to be extra focused and purposeful.
The world outside reflects back to me the energy I give it. If I don't like what I see, I have every opportunity to change it by changing the way I am.
When Im a beacon in the darkness, my light will shine for a long, long way. When Im the difference that makes the difference, my efforts will bring abundant fruit.
If things around me seem to be at their worst, that's when I can accomplish the most by being my best. Shine your positive light in the face of negativity, and you will change your world.
I Will

There have been situations in my life that I thought I would never get through. And yet, I did.
There have been challenges I have faced that I thought I would never overcome. And yet, I did.
There have been losses I've suffered that I thought I would never be able to get beyond. And yet, I did.
I am here today, stronger, wiser, more experienced and more knowledgeable as a result of it all. Though the road has had its rough spots, I've successfully made my way along it.
There will certainly be more rough spots ahead, and there may even be some particularly difficult ones right now. So it pays, every now and then, to look back and remember that even though I thought I wouldn't get through, I did.
And perhaps, if I think about it, I'll see that there's really never any reason to doubt Myself. when life challenged me to make my way through, I did.
And now, even more importantly, I will.
High expectations ( painting by Arthur Elsey)
I think I'll do my life a big favor and refuse to accept anything less than the best from it. I can Give respect to those around me by relating to them with the highest of expectations.
It is not naive, cruel or arrogant to sincerely expect the best of myself, of every other person and of every situation. In fact, it is highly empowering and enriching for all concerned.
Genuine, deeply-held expectations serve to powerfully guide thoughts and behavior. And by doing so those expectations create results.
I want to Expect the best of myself, and when I start veering off course my high expectations will push me to get back on track.I need to Expect the best of others, and I will instill a sense of confidence that can considerably boost performance.
If you do not truly expect to reach them, your dreams and goals will only tease and taunt you into a sense of bitter frustration. Yet when I give those dreams the power of positive expectation, I have what it takes to make them real.
my expectations can influence every thought, every perception, every action, every interaction, and every situation. So I will make those expectations the very highest and best they can be.
To be or not to be (Useful)

How do wealthy people get that way? By making themselves useful.
How does someone in a leadership position get into that position? By being useful.
How do you take an ordinary day and turn it into a memorable, extraordinary one? By doing something useful and valuable with it.
If Im constantly worried about what yI can get, then I'll never be satisfied. Yet when my focus is on what I can give and on finding new ways to be useful, my life will be richly rewarding.
It is truly a blessing to be useful, and a joy to be effective and productive. Think of the many opportunities available for you to experience that joy in your own unique way.
Look at yourself, look at the world, and look for how you can be useful. Choose to make a difference, and not only will you bring much value to life, you'll feel great about being able to do it.