what can I do?

There are things I can control and things I cannot control. If I focus too heavily on those things I cannot control, it can lead to an overwhelming amount of frustration and anxiety.
instead I need to focus my thoughts and efforts on those things upon which I can have a positive influence. There are plenty of those things I know, and by giving my energy to them I can quickly and significantly improve the quality of my life.
I will stop worrying so much about what others are doing . Instead, I'll put my time and effort into discovering what I can do right, what I can do well, and in using my unique abilities to create excellence.
Whenever I feel myself getting anxious or frustrated by something that's beyond my control, I'll stop and take a fresh look around. There's something I can do, right then and there, that will make a positive difference in the world.
The more I make use of the positive power that I have, the stronger that power will grow. There is always something I can do, and it always beats complaining or worrying about those things I cannot do.
I need to do what I can, when I can, where I am, with what I have. I'll find that it can make an enormous difference.